We are delighted to be co-hosting our first Women in Finance Event. This will be held on the most appropriate date – 8th March which is International Women's Day. It is very fitting that we are hosting the event with Foresight – a PE investor with one of largest percentage representation of women on the boards of their portfolio.

The Zoom event will feature a number of speakers from Foresight, EY, Addleshaw Goddard and DSW.

If you are interested in joining us, please contact either Gillian McBride for more details (places are limited).


Emma Panariello
Nik Pratap
Lorraine Pratap
Elise Walsh
Gillian McBride
Nicola Worrow
Amanda O’Neill
Karen Caswell
Dale Spink
Stacey Rhodes
Charlotte Morgan-Smith
Jess Lister
Alex Mostyn-Jones
Alex Mostyn-Jones
Claire Screeton
Claire Screeton
Euan Begbie
Marie Carroll
Marie Carroll
Lucy Miles
Nicola Beach
Leighton Thomas

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